Monday, September 23, 2013

Go (golang) and MongoDB Example 2 - A Series on Goku (MVC) Websites

Sorry I've been gone for so long. I decided to discontinue the Couchbase series in favor of MongoDB. I'm going to assume you have a working copy of Go and MongoDB. If you don't, you can get those at and . You will also need and Git ( or to install the necessary Go packages. You can retrieve those packages by issuing the following commands:

go get

go get

You will also need the /data/db path (C:\data\db in Windows) in your root for MongoDB to work.

This website/web server does not need IIS or Apache to run. It basically catalogs a CD collection. I used the LiteIDE ( environment to write this program. Zeus ( is another possibility, although you have to pay for it after 45 days.

Another piece of housekeeping is the directory tree. You should create a "gomgoweb" directory on your machine, and you'll need the following paths under it (use "\" instead of "/" if you're using Windows):


If you have any experience with the MVC architecture, this tree should look familiar. Go expects to see all packages other than "main" under a src/<package_name> directory. The last thing you need to do (if they haven't been done for you) is set up the "gopath" environment variable. That should contain a path to your default Go package directory and the root path of this project. In Windows/DOS, that would look like

set gopath=C:\Go\pkg;C:\gomgoweb

Well, you get the idea. In the next installment, we'll get our hands dirty on some code.

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